K. The forms of this species range from 46 to 61 cm (18 to 24 in) long, 20 to 30 cm (7. Predators - A predator is considered an organism that hunts, kills, and eats another organism, which is called their prey. Once boiling, add the sugar and return to a boil. 4 Non-Communicative Noises. Jackrabbits will be typically found in pastures that have been overgrazed by livestock because these barren lands provide a clear line of vision. Answer and Explanation: 1. They usually have taller hind legs and longer ears. and other jackrabbits such as the white tail. Do mountain lions eat bald eagles?The notion that owls eat rabbits is hardly a new one. Another adaptation, is blur jays are. These hares are herbivores, which means that they eat plants. Hares and jackrabbits are mammals belonging to the genus Lepus. The ears along with the tail are tipped with black fur. As with several other species of wildlife, the Eastern cottontail was a beneficiary of settlement; the clearing of wood lands and the. Because of the infrequent nature of the feeds, the mother’s milk is extremely protein, fat, and nutrient-dense. Do jackrabbits eat meat? Jackrabbits are herbivores that eat a diet of grass, shrubs, flowers, roots, and other plants . What are threats to the black-tailed jackrabbit? Black-tailed jackrabbits are preyed upon by coyotes. 5g fat and 1. 1 Can owls kill and eat large rabbits? 9. Grab your shotgun, and take a stroll through their habitat. Fruits and vegetables are a significant part of the coyote’s diet in the autumn and winter months. ) is a large rabbit-like animal with a long, broad head, long hind legs, and a western and central North American range. If your dragon is 6 months old then feed it 3 times a day. Quote. What do jackrabbits eat? Jackrabbits: Jackrabbits are a species of small mammal native to the central and western United States, and parts of northern Mexico. The mere thought of this type of behavior is rather unsettling to most people, but some animals, such as rabbits, actually eat their own feces for a very good reason. , 1982) Negative ImpactsIt should be no surprise that plants with a strong fragrance or fuzzy leaves like lavender and black-eyed Susan are less popular with rabbits. They rushed the little hares to the Wildlife Hospital, where intake notes say the babies were bright, alert and responsive, with fur still slick from being born. A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams. Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation 403-946-2361 aiwc. 3 Clicking With Their Nose. they dont eat rabbits. The black-tailed jackrabbit can grow up to two feet long (about 60cm) and weigh between three and eight pounds (1. The Dust Bowl Jackrabbit Drives Were the Darkest Days of Small-Game Hunting in America. Like jackrabbits, lion head rabbits prefer to eat nuts and other small prey. Omnivores (meat and plant diet), rabbits, rodents (such as Groundhogs ), birds, insects, and fruits. As a result, rabbits eat softer plant parts, vegetables, and fruit. owls and golden eagles all like to eat jackrabbits. They also consume mesquite, cacti, alfalfa, and other herbaceous plants. The Jackrabbit (Lepus spp. Some people can’t even bear its scent. In the warmer months, rabbits generally eat fresh grass, weeds, clover, crops from fields, wild vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Falcons eat mostly small mammals such as squirrels, rabbits, rats, or gophers in North America. What do volcano rabbits eat? What type of consumer is a butterfly? What species prey on snowshoe hares? Where is a wild rabbit's habitat? What is a group of bunnies called? What is the name of young rabbit? What do snowshoe hares eat? What eats a rabbit in a food chain? What adaptations do rabbits have to survive? What type of consumer is a monkey?The black-tailed jackrabbit is a herbivore. Because they are not. I recommend putting out a little of the kale you eat (uncooked) before buying some of this to see if they’ll take it. They only come out at night. The smaller cottontails also have large appetites, especially for plants in the rose family: apple trees, raspberries, and blackberries, in addition to roses themselves. View this answer. Jackrabbits are actually lagomorphs, which is a different order of mammal than rodents (which include rabbits). When populations are at average numbers, black-tailed jackrabbits may complement livestock grazing. In the modern era, jackrabbits tend to be viewed as agricultural pests. Are there jackrabbits found in the desert? Yes, jackrabbits are found in the deserts of North America. Pet Jackrabbits Jackrabbits, and other hares, have not been domesticated and don’t usually make good pets. Bushes or shrubs. , 1982). Typical pose when alerted. JackRabbit ranks 87th among Athletic Shoes sites. People sometimes mistake the solitary creatures as "abandoned" and try to rescue them. The cut faces show teeth marks. Roadrunners eat a wide variety of food and their diet consists of both meat and vegetation. Jackrabbits eat almost constantly and consume large quantities relative to their size; 15 jackrabbits eat as much as a large grazing cattle in one day. They evidently get all the water they need in their diet. Hares have large, long ears, long legs, and a larger body than rabbits. No, jackrabbits are herbivores and do not eat meat. The black-tailed and white-tailed hares are. White-sided jackrabbit. A white tail with a dark central stripe. What do white-tailed jackrabbits eat? They are herbivores. They consume a variety of plants, including cactus, with each jackrabbit consuming between half and one pound of plant material. Pansies. Where do white-tailed jackrabbits live?Jackrabbits: The jackrabbit, or hare, is a small land mammal in the family Leporidae and the genus Lepus. 3. Its fur is buff-colored to blend in with the arid environment. What do animals eat in a boreal forest? What eats caribou? What eats a pronghorn? What eats jackrabbits? What do polar bears eat in the tundra? What do wolves eat in the tundra? What do deer eat in a boreal forest? What eats white tailed deer? What eats phytoplankton in the arctic? What eats a red wolf? What eats beavers? What do. Habitat. Do 4 cups equal 1 pound? no it is just 4 cups it is 6 cups = a pound However, cups is a unit of volume, and pounds is a unit of mass/weight, so (without knowing the density of the material) you cannot convert between cups and pounds. If Food is abundant they. Answer and Explanation: 1. Jackrabbits eat several plants and seeds such as winter wheat, dandelion, and blue gramma grass. This answer is:The female hares do not build a nest, they give birth in a shallow depression usually lined with fur. The tail is rounded and looks like a cottonball, but is darker above, white below. Their main diet consists. Jackrabbits like to eat all kinds of plants. They eat grasses that are undesirable to cattle, as well as some poisonous plants, thus reducing poisonous plant cover. Jackrabbits are herbivores that eat a diet of grass, shrubs, flowers, roots, and other plants. They have great eyesight and hearing, as well as sensitive whiskers that help them detect predators. If the grass is sparse in their environment, they may eat bark, weeds, or even cacti. Discard the pulp and seeds. They will also eat sagebrush and cacti. They have large ears and long hind legs to help them hear and run in hot areas. Extra Fun-facts. In rural areas, this includes livestock and. What do jackrabbits eat? Plants only. However, it is important to note that some. Yes, meat is in the largest quantity in their daily food consumption. Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society 403-214-1312 calgarywildlife. Learn the trophic level definition and understand how the trophic structure works in a food chain or food web. Unlike baby rabbits that are born without fur, Black-Tailed Jackrabbits are born with their eyes open and with their full coat of fur. Arctic hares live on the tundra, in forests, grasslands, and shrubby areas. They also eat fruits, seeds, and crops in some cases. Rabbits love to munch on the stem, leaves, and especially buds of flowers. The black-tailed jackrabbit is an herbivore. Jackrabbits are able to survive in the desert by needing very little water. They also eat a variety of insects like earthworms and grubs and they don’t shy away from lizards, snakes. In the winter, they don’t hibernate, and mainly eat shrubs. This taxon is regarded by. Females are larger than the males. 6 Are rabbits the only food source for owls? 9. Diet of the Jackrabbit. Acacia tree pods. Jackrabbits (Lepus spp. They are not picky eaters and can eat whatever they find. What You Need To Know About The White-Tailed Jackrabbit. What do jack rabbits eat in the wild? Jackrabbits are herbivores. 7. A hare is able to digest cacti, bark, and other hard vegetation because it travels to the appendix where it’s broken down before it reaches the animal’s. Jackrabbits are agile and fast. Female jackrabbits are called does and male jackrabbits are called bucks. Those cute cuddly rabbits in the front yard can sometimes turn into monsters. Most species of rabbits and hares are smaller than snowshoe hares. All baby wildlife are best raised by their own mothers, and we should do our best to ensure this bond is not broken. Hares tend to eat harder parts of plants, so they can live in drier parts of the world. Do you have some interesting wildlife news? April 9, 2019 edition. They needed help! Photo by Lucy Stevenot. The fence must be at least 2 feet high to keep rabbits from jumping over it. Jackrabbits eat Prickly Pear cactus, and do so near the base where there are no large spines. They are hares rather than rabbits, bearing fully furred young with open eyes and not constructing burrows for homes. They are also able to ingest a variety of fruits as part of their diet mix. Coat the rabbit with the mixture and let set in a covered container overnight, or at least 4 hours. Here is a quick guide on rattlesnake diets and hunting habits. However, removing the cover will have little effect on jackrabbits because they can use the cover that is often great distances from their feeding sites. Snowshoe hares run at a top speed of 30 mph. Rabbits are small mammals with long ears and powerful hind legs. The black-tailed jackrabbit is an important prey species for raptors and carnivorous mammals, such as eagles, hawks, owls, coyotes, foxes, and wild cats. No, jackrabbits are herbivores and do not eat meat. As apex predators, lions tend to hunt for a consistent supply of food which is generally other small and large animals. 89K. Predators - A predator is considered an organism that hunts, kills, and eats another organism, which is called their prey. Food Chain - A food chain, in biology, is a schematic that reveals what organisms eat in a habitat. They can and probably will eat them while no one is looking. Is a jackrabbit a primary consumer? The jackrabbit beneath is a secondary consumer. During the spring and summer, they feed on clover, alfalfa and other. When food passes through the first time. Despite its name, the jackrabbit is actually a hare, rather than a rabbit, although both. By increasing body temperature to circa 41 C on hot summer days, jackrabbits save water that would otherwise be spent for evaporative cooling, but this leaves little margin for heat storage during exercise. What do white-tailed jackrabbits eat? They are herbivores. They do not eat any. They are generally most active at dusk and throughout the night. Most rabbits are quick on their feet, and may sometimes outrun a predator. Length. The white-sided jackrabbit is a long and lanky grassland dweller of the Chihuahuan Desert region. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring continually. Copy. Arctic hares are omnivores that mainly eat grass and leaves but will also eat berries, flowers, and other plant matter. Snowshoe hares are swift and nimble, with a top speed of 25 to 30 miles per hour. Stimulate The Bunnies To Go To The Bathroom. How do jackrabbits eat cactus? In Kansas, black-tailed jackrabbits eat prickly pear (Opuntia spp. If the grass is sparse in their environment, they may eat bark, weeds, or even cacti. They have powerful hind legs that can propel them on leaps of more than 10 feet (3 meters) . 5 Situations – Do Squirrels Eat Rabbits | Do Rabbits Eat Squirrels | PDF. The arrows in a food chain show the flow of energy. Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) are also known to prey on rabbits and. A domestic rabbit's diet should mimic the wild as much as possible. to aid eat up this tough vegetation. They nest in slight depressions called forms, and their young are able to fend for themselves shortly after. What do jackrabbits that live in the desert eat? They live in the desert so they eat hardy grasses, and they feed off of other plants as well. Answer and Explanation: 1. They have been known to eat cacti, but only as a last resort. “jackrabbits. Rabbits grazing in your flower beds will simply eat around the less enticing plants. In fact, the belief dates back thousands of years to ancient Greece, where the word “ Aeiskōps ” was used to describe the Eurasian scops owl, a member of the owl family Strigidae known to prey on rabbits. Jackrabbits eat graminoids, ferns, forbs, grasses,. A significant amount of blood flows through the many blood vessels of a jackrabbit's ears, which helps dissipate heat, an important. Of those types, timothy hay, orchard hay, and oat hay are the favorites of hares and rabbits alike. Jack rabbits eat grasses, bark, shrubs and other vegetation that are high in water content. While that may not sound very appealing to us, it is an important process for the rabbit. Under the cover of darkness, they can forage with relative security. What do jack rabbits like to eat? There is a difference between their diets also. [8] Black-tailed jackrabbits are herbivores (folivores, graminivores). Where do jack rabbits eat? Jackrabbits eat a wide variety of plant species, including grasses, shrubs, flowers, and even small trees. Answer and Explanation: 1. Do jackrabbits eat cactus? Jackrabbits (Lepus spp. Hind feet are large and average three inches long. Small mammals constitute the largest consumer of the creosote bush. Their diet consists of a variety of vegetation, including grasses, leaves, stems, and even some fruits and flowers. Tags: Rabbit. A month after 2005's devastating Hackberry Fire in Mojave National Preserve I wandered into the edges of the burned area to see the damage for myself; the only animals in evidence were brazen black-tailed jackrabbits feasting on. Know when to stop. Sagebrush and cacti are also taken. Various plant species. Their hind legs are powerful too, giving the animal great. Their menu includes graminoids, ferns, forbs, grasses like grama grass and dropseed grass, sedges, barks, buds, roots, twigs, and fruits such as prickly pear and pincushion cactus. 9 in) and the back legs can grow to be 20 to. Copy. The lifespan of this hare is five to eight years. Flavor and. Baby jackrabbits are called leverets. cm inch. They leave their resting spots at dusk to feed on tough grasses, leaves, and twigs. Foxes also eat fruits and other vegetation. This is because its young are born with fur and with their eyes already open. 2. Do not allow them to over eat anything. Their main food source is rodents that they dig up. They also hide under grasses or vegetation and prefer the shade. Jackrabbits are constantly eating and consume large quantities of food relative to their size. They also consume the occasional seed or fruit, but these make up a small portion of their diet. Pack rats eat Prickly Pear as well, and also avoid large spines, eating around them. Rabbits build nests to house their bald, blind. Here is the summary of different fox species and their respective diet. owls and golden eagles all like to eat jackrabbits. The size discrepancy is the easiest way to differentiate between rabbits and hares. There is speculation that jackrabbits can sometimes eat meat. They eat plants, including cacti, each jackrabbit eating 1/2 to 1 pound of plant material daily. , Britt. The jackrabbit that is black tailed a herbivore, consuming just vegetation like grasses, mesquite and cacti. But that is enough for hundreds of species to flourish, all adapted to scarce water. Call ODFW district offices for more good spots to hunt rabbits in your area. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. They will even digest some animal feces along with human. Falcons have been known to occasionally take down larger animals like geese or even a fox. Protecting Plants. The first is a black runny poop. Some owl species also feed on small birds, insects, snakes (you can check out my article about owls eating snakes ,) and even fish. The black-tailed jackrabbits (Lepus californicus) most identifying feature is its huge ears. Behavior . What do jackrabbits eat? What eats skunks? What eats leopard seals? What animals eat leopards? What eats armadillos? What eats a hyena? What eats wolves? What eats white tailed deer? What eats lions? What eats beavers? What do shrews eat? What eats cats in the food chain? What eats swift foxes?What do jack rabbits like to eat? There is a difference between their diets also. Jackrabbits are often seen as pests because they can destroy crops quickly. Well, hares in the extreme north of the Arctic stay white all year, whereas those in the south molt and replace their white fur with brown fur for more extraordinary camouflage during the summer. Become a Study. Line a box with pesticide-free soil and a layer of dried hay. These rabbits have been at home for tens of thousands of years in the desert and they know no other environment. ©Richard Seeley/Shutterstock. A variety of grasses are consumed by jack rabbits including Bermuda, Bluegrass, Rye, Fescue, Wheatgrass, Orchard Grass and Timothy. A Complete List of 8 Foods Gazelles Eat. Together, these struc-tural adap-tations create an increased bodyJackrabbit is just another name for a hare. The most significant difference between rabbits and hares, however, is their offspring. The bodies of hares tend to be leaner, and they have longers ears and legs as well. The jackrabbit that is black tailed a herbivore, consuming just vegetation like grasses, mesquite and cacti. Jackrabbits are herbivores that eat a diet of grass, shrubs, flowers, roots, and other plants. Sweet Baits. All rabbits, whether wild or domesticated, are herbivores. The eastern cottontail rabbit, swamp rabbit, and black-tailed jackrabbit are the only three types of rabbits that live in Missouri. Jackrabbits are often seen as pests because they can destroy crops quickly. They have long ears and lengthy hind legs, and they are larger than rabbits. Jackrabbits are actually lagomorphs, which is a different order of mammal than rodents (which include rabbits). Jackrabbits are agile and fast. When a jackrabbit eats an oak tree, it helps the. 8 in) wide, and up to 20 cm (7. How do jackrabbits get their food? Jackrabbits also possess a special digestive system adapted to the shrub-steppe. The nest is a shallow depression on the ground. They have a big appetite and can eat one pound of food in a day. Or, drop pieces of soap into old socks and place them around the garden. In winter, rabbits gnaw through the tender bark of young trees and shrubs to eat the green, inner bark. The. In general, numbers of cottontails and jackrabbits are higher the farther east in the state you go. Owls will feed on whichever types of rabbits are available to them regionally. In agricultural areas the. A donation of any size will help sustain our educational efforts. no they aren't in the wild they are insectivores they eat insects, meat, and vegetables in captivity they eat eggs insects fruit and vegetables. Be mindful of disease. Black-tailed jackrabbits in captivity are weaned from their mother after 8 weeks. Minnesota Conservation Volunteer The white-tailed jackrabbit is actually a hare. It’s an herbivore eating grass, bark, cacti, and twigs. Do jackrabbits eat squirrels? They eat primarily small mammals, such as cottontail rabbits, ground squirrels, and mice. Rabbits can. Northern goshawk’s diets vary widely depending on location, but may include larger mammals like jackrabbits or snowshoe hares. Avoid processed foods and anything high in sugar. It’s an herbivore eating grass, bark, cacti, and twigs. Jackrabbits are herbivores, so they only eat plants. Primary consumers are herbivores that eat the plants. That helps to keep them warm during their early vulnerable lives as well as provide some much-needed camouflage from predators. Grasshoppers, Jackrabbits, and Field mice will eat wild grasses and elderberry bushes. However, these sweet treats should be served sparingly to maintain a balanced diet. Rabbits can be carriers of tularemia, or rabbit fever. During summer they feed on grasses while in winter they make use of shrubs. They can jump 10 feet and run at 40 miles per hour. When biblical jackrabbit plagues swarmed the drought-ravaged High Plains in the early 20th century, farmers rallied with clubs and baseball bats. Black-tailed jackrabbits do not require much water and obtain nearly all the. Black-tailed jackrabbits do not require much water and obtain nearly all the water they need from the plant material they consume. The long-legged jackrabbit is best recognized by its unusual style of running. Adults rattlesnakes only need to feed about once every two weeks. Just how do Jackrabbits Eat. The snowshoe hare, A. They digest their food twice, which allows them to eat a lot of different kinds of vegetation. Do ferrets eat animals or plants? Ferrets are obligate carnivores, so they don't eat vegetables. The only predator in the Arctic that will eat a wolf is a polar bear, the apex predator of the Arctic, and only as a. Arctic hares are fast and camouflaged. The youngsters begin foraging for themselves within two weeks. They will also eat amphibians, birds, small mammals, small invertebrates and reptiles. After the baby wild rabbits have finished eating, it is important for them to urinate and defecate to keep their digestive and urinary systems healthy. 2 How do owls catch rabbits? 9. To make sure this is not a hindrance, some animals like ground squirrels, jackrabbits, roadrunners, and antelope have evolved specialized dental patterns and feeding. (Banfield, 1974; Chapman, et al. 2 Eating. The black-tailed jackrabbit is not really a rabbit, it is a hare. A good hunting dog will help locate rabbits. They eat plants, including cacti, each jackrabbit eating 1/2 to 1 pound of plant material daily. What do jack rabbits eat in the wild? Jackrabbits are herbivores. What Do Black-Tailed Jackrabbits Eat in the Wild? In the wild, the black-tailed jackrabbit’s diet consists primarily of grasses, forbs, and leaves from a variety of shrubs. They have large ears and long hind legs to help them hear and run in hot areas. they eat worms and bark. Line a box with pesticide-free soil and a layer of dried hay. Are jackrabbits good pets? Jackrabbits, and other hares. Look for grasses, herbs, and garden crops such as peas and lettuce. January 4, 2023. Cleanup. See full answer below. Learn more. Hare. 4. Seeds pass through the intestinal tract into the feces, and jackrabbits are thought responsible for spread of prickly pears in prairie rangeland. 1g of saturated fat. (Banfield, 1974; Chapman, et al. Ecology: The Black-tailed Jackrabbit eats plants, so it is an herbivore. Baby Black-Tailed Jackrabbits Are Born With Fur. In this regard, during dry winters or drought periods, they consume cactus to. They also try to stay out of the sun and forage at night. ' Rattlesnakes are recognizable for the 'rattle' that lies at the ends of their tails, allowing them to produce a 'rattling' sound. Hares are herbivorous animals that primarily eat tough grasses. Rabbit Management. When feeding on woody plants, rabbits sever the twigs and stems at sharp angles. What do jack rabbits like to eat? Jackrabbits eat a wide variety of plant species, including grasses, shrubs, flowers, and even small trees. Jackrabbits eat all sorts of plants including: Foliage crops; Mesquite; Grasses. However, in a survival situation, Jackrabbit can certainly. Depending on where they settle and migrate, inland taipans can change through diet courses. Dark-brown to gray colored fur. Because of low population densities and grassland preferences, the impact of L. Chapter 11 / Lesson 3. Some species also feed on beetles and other small insects. They also eat reptiles. the jackrabbit which black tailed a typical type, feeds just on vegetation like grasses, mesquite, and cacti. The black-tailed jackrabbit is an herbivore. View this answer. Risk 2: Tularemia Disease. To avoid predators, they can also change direction swiftly and jump up to 10 meters. The. a-z-animals. A jackrabbit’s diet consists mostly of woody vegetation during the winter and a feast of grasses, weeds, and cacti the rest of the year. Arthropods ( beetles, crickets, locusts, grasshoppers), termites, rodents, lizards, and Ziziphus fruits. Stimulate urination and defecation. To hide their newborns, the female cottontail rabbit will build a small nest with fur and grass. What is a jackrabbits landform? jackrabbits come from the word dingle which come frmo the word dingleberry so. Producers make their own food, and so plants are producers. Peccaries (also known as javelinas) seem to be able to eat prickly pear cactus pads, spines and all. Jackrabbits eat a wide variety of plant species, including grasses, shrubs, flowers, and even small trees. Such as snakes. Yes, rabbits can eat grape seeds as it will not poison them. Do jackrabbits eat meat? All rabbits are herbivores, whether they live in the wild or are kept as pets. Jackrabbits are herbivores. If a rabbit were to eat anything animal-based it would get a very upset stomach – or worse!Red-tailed hawks are the most common hawk in the US, and since most of their diet is made up of mammals, they are perhaps more likely than the other species to eat wild rabbits and rabbits in your backyard. Rabbits have a sweet tooth, so many hunters find success using sweet baits like peanut butter, molasses, or syrup. Hawks are formidable predators with sharp talons, hooked beaks,. They will also eat sagebrush and cacti. Jackrabbits are actually hares, not rabbits. View this answer. If you don’t have soil or hay on hand, some soft towels, tissues, or thread-free blankets will do. Best Answer. Where do jackrabbits live in the desert? Jackrabbits live in areas with shrubs in the desert. Lavender. Course 21K views Where Do Jackrabbits Live? Jackrabbits live in North America, usually in the central and western part of the continent, like the United States. Two or more litters per year, with two to three young in each, are usual. The arctic fox is a species of fox that is found within the Arctic Circle, in northern North America, Europe, and Asia. Another adaptation, is blur jays are. Chapter 28 / Lesson 17. The other two are the white-tailed jackrabbit and snowshoe hare. When populations are at average numbers, black-tailed jackrabbits may complement livestock grazing. Jackrabbits like to eat all kinds of plants. In summer, rabbits and hares normally consume a diet of grasses and forbs and in the winter eat the buds, twigs and bark of shrubs and trees. Jackrabbits are known for their long ears, powerful hind legs, and exceptional speed. " National Geographic 05 Nov 2007. Rock ptarmigans eat flowers, berries, buds, leaves, twigs and other vegetation. Keep in. Create a ring or nest-like shape in the center of the box for the bunny to curl up in. Do jackrabbits eat squirrels? They eat primarily small mammals, such as cottontail rabbits, ground squirrels, and mice. Secondary consumers are carnivores that eat the primary consumers. In the early years of the Americas, most buffalo herds consisted of thousands of. The ears along with the tail are tipped with black fur. Can you eat JackRabbit in Texas?. com. Other protective adaptations include keen senses of smell, eyesight, and hearing. K. As herbivores, jackrabbits exclusively eat plants, however with a range that extends across much of the Great Plains and into the Sonoran desert, jackrabbits are adaptable to local environments. Jackrabbits have a summer and winter color. They are able to leap 10 feet and move at the speed of 40 miles per. The fleas can also carry disease, like Bubonic Plague.